Fine art photography of dogs and their owners

Fine art photography means more to me than just a picture; it's an expression of emotion, enhanced through careful post-processing.

For me, fine art photography is more than just a snapshot. It's a blend of emotion, storytelling, and meticulous post-production. As a dog photographer, I'm here to help you create unforgettable portraits of your beloved pet— whether you desire classic portraits or action shots.

A dog photography session typically lasts between 30 and 90 minutes and takes place in a relaxed atmosphere. My goal is to showcase your dog's unique character and create images that reflect their personality. During post-production, I refine each photo to capture its full emotional depth and expression. Every image transforms into a work of art you'll want to frame and proudly hang on your wall.

A relaxed atmosphere and a personalized approach tailored to your dog's energy and temperament.

Whether your dog is shy, a laid-back companion up for anything, or full of boundless energy, there's no need to worry about the photo session. I prefer deciding what to shoot on-site after getting to know your furry friend, rather than sticking to pre-planned, repetitive poses that might not suit every breed or personality. This approach ensures that each photograph is truly unique and captures your dog's natural character with respect and authenticity.

Reasons to choose fine art dog photography

Uniqueness and Originality

Every photo I create is one of a kind. I never produce identical images because each one has its own story and soul. You'll never find a "cookie-cutter" photo on my website—just the same location with a different dog.

After capturing the shot, I spend hours in post-production, fine-tuning the colors to best convey the atmosphere and emotion of the moment. I love achieving color harmony in each photograph, ensuring it reflects the true essence of your dog and the experience we shared.

Style and Personality

Fine art photography reflects my artistic vision while allowing you to express yours. It's a way to give your memories a unique character and timeless appeal.

I experiment with light and shadow to create dramatic effects that enhance the emotions captured in each moment.

By adding textures, I give the images depth and craft a distinct atmosphere that draws you into the scene, making every photograph an immersive experience.

Emotion, Inspiration, and Clarity

The photographs I create are designed to inspire, soothe, or uplift you every time you look at them. They are more than images; they are living, breathing pieces of art.

I love shooting with a shallow depth of field, where the focus is precisely where it needs to be, and the rest is softened. This technique ensures perfect harmony, drawing attention to the subject while subtly enhancing the surrounding atmosphere.

Price list valid from 15.10.2024

STANDARD Package: 1500 CZK

5 digital photographs

Additional photos: 300 CZK each

This package applies to all types of offered photo sessions.
You can personally select your favorite shots from previews.

MAXI Package: 2250 CZK

10 digital photographs

Additional photos: 225 CZK each

This package applies to all types of offered photo sessions.
You can personally select your favorite shots from previews.

XL Package: 3000 CZK

15 digital photographs

Additional photos: 175 CZK each

This package applies to all types of offered photo sessions.
You can personally select your favorite shots from previews.

Dog photography references

Michaela a Cassy, Ostrava

Lucka má výjimečný talent zachytit krásu a emoce v každém záběru. Z fotek jsem velmi nadšená a mohu jedině doporučit.

Tereza Dvořáková, Vestec u Prahy

Focení proběhlo i přes ošklivé počasí a i když jsme přemýšleli o zrušení právě kvůli počasí, tak jsem ráda, že jsme to nechali takto a vznikly z toho krásné fotky, které naší Miu perfektně vystihují. Určitě nejsme naposledy! Skvělý přístup a zároveň trpělivost.

Erika ze Slatiňan

... prostě a jednoduše ... Lucie si za focení našeho kolektivu chovatelské stanice Zlatíčko zaslouží velkou jedničku s hvězdičkou a ještě k tomu třikrát podtrženou :) !

Your Photos Could Look Like This



Lucie Nermuťová | ID 21353468 | I am not a VAT payer


Phone: +420 731 479 296 (Text me / whats app)